Hello, my name is Austin

I am a self-thought programmer which primarily focus in vanilla Javascript and React. Searching for the new opportunities in web development path.

Passionate on new solutions


About me

I am a self-taught frontend developer with years of account servicing experience in technical industry. Built great interest on programming and development and seeking for a career change to web development path.

Began my journey on frontend path and I am very passionate about my journey. I have hands-on experience and deployed projects using JS, React, and Responsive Web design.

My skill stack

Other Projects


Written with Vanilla javascript, users can add, update, delete events.

World Cup countdown

Countdown to World Cup 2022 with a modal showing the groups table.

Game filter

React app that fetch game data. First try on Framer Motion for transition effect

Portfolio site

Previous version of this site. Also contains links to small projects I made in Scirmba and Codecademy courses


You can send me a quick email using below form or using your own email.


Get in touch

Created by Austin Cheung with HTML, SASS, Javascript, Gsap and ScrollMagic